August is National Wellness Month - a time to focus on self-care, stress management, and healthy living. While self-care may look different for everyone, let’s encourage each other to embrace whatever small lifestyle changes we can to positively impact our physical and mental health, for the next 31 days and beyond.
Here are my favorite forms of self-care that I’ll be practicing this month:
1. Working out a couple times every week. Hitting the gym, doing a yoga pose at home, or going for a walk by the beach all count.
2. Limiting social media use. Aka no mindless scrolling.
3. Enforcing an earlier bedtime. This is a tough one for me, but I’m going to try a tip from the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast to set an alarm for going to bed earlier.
4. Journaling daily. For inspiration, check out my favorite journals for setting intentions, practicing gratitude, and finding meaning in the everyday grind in my post on Just Us Gals.
5. Reading a book, just for fun. Currently on my shelf is Daisy Jones and The Six, a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick that was highly recommended by @carly.
6. Wearing SPF every day. I recommend mineral sunscreens from Paula’s Choice, SanRe Organic Skinfood, Beauty Counter, and Coppertone.
7. Relaxing with acupuncture. I’ve found this ancient practice to be helpful for my tension headaches and chronic back pain.
8. Making time for therapy. It’s going to be a busy month but I know prioritizing mental health is always worth it.
9. Eating a healthy breakfast. Smoothies are my go-to!
10. Spending quality time with family and friends. There’s nothing better than unwinding with people who love the realest version of you.
How will you celebrate wellness month?